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Bachelor Seminar: Functional Pearls

Instructor: Luca Maio


Functional programming (as in, e.g., Haskell) has many features which make it unique and useful in a variety of ways. When a specific use case is put together well and highlights these features, a scientific paper may be designated to be a “Pearl of functional programming”. For this seminar, you will choose one of these pearls as the topic for you seminar paper and talk.


  • It helps to be familiar with basics of functional programming (e.g. already have some experience with a functional programming language, passed ProMo, etc.)


There will be between a mandatory session at the beginning of the semester, where I will explain the organization of the course in detail and fix the topics of your talks.

Topics can be chosen from among the papers designated to be a “Pearl of Functional Programming”, a (incomplete) list can be found here. Alternatively some more can be found here, here and here

After you had some time to familiarize yourself with the topic, there will be a mandatory session of short-talks (90 seconds) where you give a one-slide summary of your topic.

At the end of the semester we will take another 1 to 3 mandatory sessions for the seminar talks. In between there will be no scheduled meetings, but of course I will be available for questions on your topics either virtually via mail, Zulip etc. or in person.


The Examination consists of two parts:

  • A written seminar paper on your chosen topic (60% of the grade), the length of which must be between 7.000 and 14.000 characters.
  • A talk (40% of the grade) of 30 minutes plus 5-10 minutes discussion. The talk should cover some but possibly not all things written about in the seminar paper.

Submissions can be both in German and in English, the languages of the talk and the paper may even differ depending on your preference.


“Wn” stands for the n-th week of the year.

--- Start Wintersemester
W43 Fr. 27.10. 15:00 Erstes Meeting & Themenwahl
W47 Do. 23.11. 10:00 Blitzvorträge
W52 Ferien

W01 Ferien - So. 07.01. Abgabe 1. Version Seminararbeit
W03 So. 21.01. Abgabe 2 Reviews
W05 Verteilung ist vorläufig, wenn nötig kann das noch geändert werden
  Mo. 29.01. 12:00 - 16:00 (s.t.) Vorträge Session 1
    IE - On tiling a chessboard
    HN - A program to solve Sudoku
    KN - Solving the snake cube puzzle
    FW - Algebraic Graphs with Class
    MR - Probabilistic Functional Programming in Haskell
  Fr. 02.02. 14:00 - 19:00 (s.t.) Vorträge Session 2
    MF - Composing Fractals
    SP - Calculating the Sieve of Erathostenes
    MN - A Pretty but not Greedy Printer
    MK - A domain-specific language for experimental game theory
    MS - Applicative Programming with Effects
--- Ende Wintersemester
W09 So. 03.03. Abgabe Seminararbeit

